Event Planning
You have your date and you've booked your venue. Now the real planning begins.
We’re here to team with you to make sure your event goes off without a hitch. We do that by assigning you a dedicated Event Manager, who works with you from initial planning through event execution and billing. Your Event Manager will:
Answer your questions
Help you understand the building’s policies and procedures
Take full responsibility for the function of your activities within the facility
Arrange for you to meet directly with the service providers, when appropriate
Planning Process
So much goes into planning an event and making sure all the little details are taken care of. Below is some information we've pulled together to help you navigate the planning process and to serve as part of your contractual guidelines.
Be sure to review the complete Planner's Guide.
Exhibitors are to have all proper licenses and permits required by the State of Washington and the City of Kennewick and comply with the regulations of the Kennewick Fire Department and the Benton Franklin Health Department.
All exhibitors must be properly identified when on site. Exhibitors without event identification will not be allowed in the service corridor or loading dock.
The Three Rivers Convention Center storage space is limited; therefore, the facility cannot receive goods prior to move-in or store them past the contracted move-out time. Goods arriving prior to the authorized move-in times will be refused and required to return at the scheduled move-in time.
Each licensee shall accept the premises in the condition they find them and shall return the premises in the same condition at the conclusion of the period of the Use Agreement. No alterations or changes to the property are allowed without the prior approval of the General Manager. Alterations include but are not limited to movement of interior plants, movement of equipment, and relocation of furniture.
By law, smoking and vaping are prohibited at all times in the Three Rivers Convention Center and within 25 feet of any entrance or air intake.
With the exception of service animals and animals participating in contracted events such as dog or cat shows, animals are not allowed in the Convention Center without prior written approval from the Event Manager.
The Three Rivers Convention Center is ADA compliant, including a ramp that is available to access stages. The ramp will not be installed unless requested. There is no charge to install the ramp.
No collections or donations, whether for charity or otherwise, shall be made, attempted, or announced without written approval of the Convention Center's General Manager.
Painting of any kind within the Three Rivers Convention Center is prohibited. Exhibitors may not glue, tape, nail, or in any way affix to any interior or exterior surface of the Three Rivers Convention
Food Sampling
- A full list of exhibitor booth food and beverage services—everything from nuts and coffee to finger food, sandwiches, and heavy hors d’oeuvres—is exclusively available from the Convention Center. This service can be a great advantage to exhibitors.
- Any exhibitor interested in distributing their own food or beverage must be the manufacturer of said product or be exhibiting in a food or beverage-related show. Only “bite size” samples of no more than two (2) ounces of food or beverage may be distributed by exhibitors. Exhibitors cannot participate in cash sales of said product during the show.
- Any products that are sold for off-premise consumption must be packaged to discourage on-premise consumption.
- All persons dispensing products must have proper food handling permits for the city of Kennewick and state of Washington.
Helium balloons are prohibited unless a helium waiver has been signed by the contracted client and is on file with the Event Manager. This waiver acknowledges that bringing in helium balloons may result in additional retrieval, removal, and cleaning charges. The responsibility for all charges incurred in relation to helium balloons will be the clients. The Convention Center reserves the right to be the sole provider of retrieval, removal, and cleaning services.
Aisle ways and exits must remain clear and cannot be obstructed in any way during show hours. Please do not throw trash generated during show hours into the aisles.
Basic rules for load-in and load-out:
- STRICTLY ENFORCED: For safety, children under 16 are not permitted on the event floor during move-in and move-out.
- No consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- No horseplay, practical jokes, throwing objects, or display of unsafe objects.
- No use or possession of illegal or controlled substances.
- No speeding or reckless use of vehicles, carts, or equipment.
- Proper footwear must be worn at all time.
- Deliveries will be accepted 3 business days prior to your event. Deliveries before this must be approved by your Event Manager and may be charged a storage and handling fee.
- All packages should include Attn: EVENT NAME.
- The Exhibitor is responsible for packaging shipments, making arrangements with carriers, and applying proper labels for any shipments leaving the convention center.
- Any palletized shipments that require use of pallet jack or forklift may acquire additional labor charges.
Loading in and loading out must be done through the designated loading docks assigned to the show. Loading in and loading out through the Convention Center lobby is strictly limited to hand-carried items only and must be approved in advance. Materials that require the use of a wheeled apparatus must go through the dock area. Loading docks are for loading and unloading only. All unauthorized vehicles left in the loading area will be towed away at the owner’s expense.
Limited carts are available for exhibitor use on a first come, first served basis. It is best to bring your own cart. Use by Convention Center staff precludes use by exhibitors.
Exhibitor-owned or leased vehicles are NOT allowed to drive onto the exhibit floor to unload or load without prior approval from show management. Access to the exhibit floor for tractor-trailer trucks, cranes, etc., must be arranged in advance through show management. No vehicles with studded tires will be allowed inside the building.
The Three Rivers Convention Center storage space is limited; therefore, the facility cannot receive goods prior to move-in or store them past the contracted move-out time. Goods arriving prior to the authorized move-in times will be refused and required to return at the scheduled move-in time. All freight must be handled through the general service contractor who will deliver it to the facility during the approved move-in time.
We’re here to help make sure your event goes off without a hitch. We do that by assigning a dedicated Event Manager who works with you from initial planning through event execution and billing. Your Event Manger will:
- Answer your questions.
- Help you understand the building’s policies and procedures.
- Take full responsibility of the Convention staff for your activities.
- Remain on site throughout your event.
The Operations staff sets moveable walls, tables, chairs, stages, and other equipment where and when you need it. Discuss your set up needs with your Event Manager at least 30 days before your event to allow time to schedule equipment and staff. After your Guarantee Date, please be advised that additions or changes may incur additional fees. An estimate of any charges will be provided upon request.
If you should require special items for your event that are not in our inventory, contact your Event Manager and they will be happy to provide you with a list of local vendors that may be able to assist you. Should you handle your own rentals, be sure to advise the Convention Center of the delivery/pick up schedule and location of where these items should be placed upon delivery.
Our in-house Audio Visual Department can provide you with the equipment and services to make your presentations a success. An on-site technician is available during your event to troubleshoot problems as they arise. The labor for this service is a show expense. Our technician sets equipment according to your pre-arranged preferences. If you need a technician dedicated to run your equipment throughout the presentation or entire event, pre-arrangement should be made with your Event Manager and additional fees will be assessed. In some instances, outside audio visual suppliers may be permitted in the building. Please note that any equipment that is utilized or will be otherwise connected to our house audio or video systems shall be assessed a patch fee.
Electrical and telecommunication services are exclusively provided by the Three Rivers Convention Center. If additional or special power is needed beyond the standard, fees shall be assessed accordingly.
The Three Rivers Convention Center offers a variety of equipment that you may rent for your event. For a list of available equipment and rental rates, please refer to the Event Services Menu.
The Three Rivers Convention Center has full-service, in-house Catering and Concessions, which operates all kitchen facilities in the Convention Center. They can provide first-class breaks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner service. They also operate the concession areas in all the Campus buildings.
The Three Rivers Convention Center has earned an excellent reputation for the quality of their menus and service. A full list of exhibitor booth food and beverage services is available from your Event Manager. Everything from pastries and coffee to sandwiches and hors d'oeuvres are available. These services can be a great advantage to exhibitors. Please note that exhibitors planning to provide food or product sampling must comply with the Exhibitor Guidelines. Only bite-size samples or less than 2 ounces of liquid may be given away.
The Three Rivers Convention Center is responsible for the administration of the sale and service of alcoholic beverages in accordance with the Washington State Liquor Commission's regulations. Therefore, in compliance with state law, all liquor, beer, and wine must be supplied by the Three Rivers Convention Center. Due to the exclusive nature of this contract, no food or beverage service can be provided at Three Rivers Convention Center by any other caterer. Exhibitors and attendees are not permitted to bring food and beverage onto Center property. A full menu is available upon request and the catering department would be pleased to describe the details to you.
The Three River Convention Center custodial staff works hard to maintain the facility's appearance and condition for all our guests. Our facilities are known for their exceptional condition and cleanliness. The custodial staff keeps the public areas clean and presentable during your event hours. They also refresh your meeting rooms between sessions. Please inform you Event Manager about special cleaning schedules or restricted areas. Any convention, trade show, or exhibitor that produces a large amount of refuse (over twenty yards) will incur additional disposal charges. Shows anticipating large amounts of trash should advise the Event Manager in advance so that additional dumpsters may be ordered and set in place. Any clean up caused by bringing vehicles or exhibits into the facility will be charged to show management. This includes custodial time to remove snow, ice, slush, water, etc., or any spill or leaks from equipment or exhibits.
An ADA ramp is available to access stages with advance notice. The ramp will not be installed unless requested. There is no charge to install the ramp.